The effect of Young Tissue Extract has been studied in several clinical studies.

During the 1990’ies several experimental studies were carried out:

  • An open phase study executed at the University of Colorado, Denver, USA, indicated that patients on SSRI had less side effects when ingesting Young Tissue Extract® in addition to their medication. At the same time indications of improved depression scores was seen during ingestion of Young Tissue Extract (comparison with baseline)

  • In an open pilot study (2004) in depressed patients marked improvements of depression scores were seen after daily ingestion of Young Tissue Extract.

During the subsequent period the following clinical studies have been performed:

  • In a double‐blind placebo‐controlled clinical study in depressed patients it was demonstrated that those who obtained Young Tissue Extract during 12 weeks experienced a significant improvement of depression scores – both compared to baseline and placebo (Solberg). Detailed analyses of classes of depression score parameters showed that Young Tissue Extract caused more energy and vitality,
    improved mood, and generally  improved their performance and joy for life. This confirms earlier findings that Young Tissue Extract helped people participating in severe physical training, felt more motivated and better fit to keep on exercising with the supplementation of Young Tissue Extract. The study furthermore demonstrated less tendencies towards psycho‐somatic disorders. (Solberg E. J
    Med Food)
  • In another placebo‐controlled, double‐blind study in healthy volunteers, it was demonstrated that Young Tissue Extract helped the participants feel less stressful during acute stress. In addition, it was demonstrated that the release of stress hormones (cortisol) was regulated when Young Tissue Extract was ingested (Schult et al. J Clinical Nutrition).

Several products, including some dietary supplements, have been claimed to inhibit the release of cortisol. This is also an effect of taking sedative products, e.g. benzodiazepines. By sedating a person, this person may not be able to act properly in acute situations. That is why there is a warning on these products that you should not drive a car while taking them.

Young Tissue Extract does not down regulate the release, but rather normalize this. People, who are exposed to constant stress over a long period, may gradually lose the ability to release enough stress hormones to act swiftly in acute situations. This may over time lead to depression and burnout! People usually not exposed to stress, may on the other hand overreact and release too much cortisol. What we have seen is that Young Tissue Extract helps normalize the cortisol release in both these groups – thereby helping people
better cope with stressful situations.

Young Tissue Extract is therefore not a sedative, but rather a supplement that may help you get more mental energy and to cope better in a stressful life.


Scientific Logic

Chronic, psychological stress is, together with overeating, one of the triggering factors to many of our so‐called lifestyle diseases. (Hormones 2009,8(1):7‐22). Stress induced anabolic/catabolic imbalance is characterized in part by high cortisol, glucose and insulin, and low androgens and growth hormones, and may lead to oxidative stress and systemic inflammation, which in turn impairs the aging process. Among the physiological and psychological consequences is insulin resistance with excess storage of abdominal fat tissue, systemic inflammations, decreased stress tolerance, depression, and in some cases burnout.

A healthy stress response is characterized by quick response to stressors, and swift recovery as soon as the stressors disappear. Long‐term exposure to psychological stressors, as is common in modern society, may either lead to sustained higher levels of stress hormones and insulin, or to a blunted stress response with low cortisol release during acute stress, and with sluggish recovery, possibly due to insufficient levels of anabolic hormones.

People mostly prone to develop stress related diseases are generally anxious or distressed – characterized by negative affect/neuroticism and social inhibition. These people tend to have greater levels of pro‐inflammatory cytokines as well as increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

Treatment of stress related diseases normally include restoration of hormonal balances. This can be obtained via the use of pharmaceutical products, or by natural increases of the endogenous secretion and preservation of secretory patterns and diurnal rhythms.

It has been demonstrated that increased physical activity may contribute to normalizing endogenous secretion leading to better wellbeing. Likewise, psychosocial changes to make people feel “seen”, feel important, and with an active social life, improves hormonal balances. Nutrition may also play an important role in restoring the hormonal balances impaired by stress.

Young Tissue Extract is a dietary supplement that provides all the important amino acids in a natural and biologically active form that are necessary to restore a normal hormonal balance. Instead of high doses of a limited number of free amino acids, Young Tissue Extract  contains all the important amino acids in a natural form as peptides, in conjunction with the vitamins and minerals that are important for the wellbeing of our nervous system.

This is why we in clinical studies have recorded improvements in perceived stress, better general vitality and mood, a more positive attitude to life – as well as a normalization of the hormonal reaction to stress.

Young Tissue Extract contains, among many other amino acids, methionine and other amino acids that can attach to the methionine chain (asparte, cystine and cysteine). These are important for the production of Sadenosyl‐ L‐methionine (SAMe), a methyl‐donor involved in the synthesis of several neurotransmitters in the brain. The relationship between SAMe and depression has been studied for several decades. Mischoulon & Fava and Delle, Pancheri & Scapiccio found in two separate studies that SAMe had a comparable efficacy to tricyclic anti‐depressive agents in the treatment of depression. In addition there were fewer adverse effects. Nguyen & Gregan made a meta analysis of relevant articles and concluded that SAMe is effective in the treatment of mild to moderate depression.

Young Tissue Extract also contains tyrosine and phenylalanine. Tyrosine affects noradrenalin and dopamine. Gelenberg & Gibson claimed that tyrosine may increase the concentration and activity of noradrenaline, which in turn may have an effect in affective distortion and depression. Several studies have later demonstrated that tyrosine deprivation may lead to reduced dopamine
neurotransmittoric activity in hypothalamus. Meyers found that phenylalanine and tyrosine may be of value in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. Hoekstra and Lucca independently observed that severely depressed patients not only had less phenylalanine and tyrosine, but also less leusine, isoleusine and valine that are important for the metabolism of muscles and for stabilizing the blood sugar levels. All of these amino acids can be found in Young Tissue Extract.

Young Tissue Extract is thus a very broad supplement of nutrients that are important for the normalization of hormonal responses to stress, and that may play an important role in the prevention of mood disorders.


Young Tissue Extract is a nutritional supplement. Based on the experience from clinical trials it is recommended that 4 capsules per day are ingested during an initial period of one month. Once an improvement in stress tolerance and mood has been observed, the daily dosage can be reduced to 2‐3 capsules per day as a maintenance dosage. Individual differences may be expected.